3 Common Mistakes to
Avoid When Naming Your Brand

Photo by David Travis on Unsplash

Although William Shakespeare is famous for his line, “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet,” choosing the right name for your brand is of the utmost importance. In fact, finding naming your brand is one of the most crucial business decisions you will ever have to make. When naming your brand, you want to choose something that will garner attention over all digital platforms. At the same time, however, you have to carefully navigate your way around a number of potential pitfalls.

Don’t Overcomplicate Things

Creativity is undoubtedly encouraged during the naming process, but often it’s advisable to consult someone who specializes in brand naming to avoid the pitfalls that can come along side it and ensure that it speaks to the correct market. It is vital to not get too carried away with your creative thinking, as you may end up with a name that is difficult to pronounce, hard to remember, or just confusing. Names that are unnecessarily long are rarely catchy, and they’re also difficult to remember. Overly long names don’t display well on digital platforms or in print format. Potential clients may end up avoiding your brand purely because your name is too long-winded. Also, avoid trying to be too smart by getting overly creative with the way you spell your brand name. More often than not, spelling cute as Qu-et or tooth as 2F is only going to confuse prospective clients. Keep things simple, and impress with a concise, easy-to-remember, and memorable name instead. If you’re looking for inspiration, consider using a professional business name generator tool for ideas to make your brand stand out.

Don’t Be Too Generic

Due to the rapidly increasing consumption of digital media, it is now more important than ever before to avoid bland, generic brand names. Although the first company of its type may be able to get away with this (think General Electric and General Motors), the chances are that your brand is bound to fade into obscurity if you try to follow suit. Names such as ‘ABC Industries’ or ‘123 Technologies’ is not going to do your brand any favors on a social media platform where thousands of similar brands are vying for the attention of internet users. Instead, opt for a memorable, catchy name that will set you apart from the competition and make your brand stand out on any platform.

Never Forget to Do A Trademark Search

One of the worst mistakes anyone can make when choosing a brand name is assuming that their top choice is available. At present, there are more than 28 million active trademarks and 200 million registered URLs across the globe. That means that the chances are good the brand name you have in mind has already been trademarked by someone else. Before you start printing business cards and creating social media accounts, do a quick search to ensure that you are not using someone else’s brand name. Even if it doesn’t look like the name has been officially trademarked, if it is in use, it is best to steer clear: the trademarking process may have already been initiated.

Your brand name is a vital part of your overall branding identity. By avoiding common pitfalls, you will be able to choose a name that personifies your product or service offerings perfectly.