Working Toward A Career That
Suits Your Personality

We all dream of having careers which suit our personalities. The important aspect to remember is that this isn’t a pipe dream. Even if you’re certain that you’ll end up settling for some dull office job that you hate, there truly is a job in this world for everyone. You just might not realize what the perfect job for you is yet. Perhaps you’re looking at a very narrow range of opportunities when you should actually be opening your eyes and mind toward many other industries and job roles that you’d never considered.

choosing a career for your personality

The key item on which you need to focus is your personality. If you can start to write down the aspects of your persona which define you in terms of goals, character traits, and interests, then you can start to search for jobs which will cater to all these aspects rather than trying to mold yourself into a job which isn’t the right fit for you. If you’re struggling to find a path which feels right to you then here are some tips which might just help you work toward a career which suits your personality:

The Caretaker

If you’re a caring person and you know that you want to pursue a career which allows you to help people then you have a wide variety of doors open to you. As will be discussed throughout this article, personality is only one part of the equation when it comes to finding a job which makes you happy. You need to think about your interests because one person with a caring personality might pursue a career as a doctor whilst another might pursue a career as a teacher. Both roles involve helping people but one involves mental and physical care whilst the other involves mental and physical growth.

Do your research if you’re considering putting the caring side of your personality to good use in a career because there are many options out there. Think about your academic skills and your ethical values. Are there any types of industries that are pulling you more than others? A medical career might only be right for you if you’re ready to do with the mental strain and intensely detailed knowledge required to get qualified in that industry. That being said, certain roles in care homes and other sectors of the health industry might require less of an academic background than others.

The Thinker

Some people are thinkers and some are doers. Of course, the real world is a little more complicated than that. People don’t fit neatly into every category. Nonetheless, if you’re somebody who likes to use their mind to solve problems then this should be a deciding factor in the type of career you pursue. You could consider enrolling in an online psychology degree and learning about the ways in which our thoughts are linked to the real world in terms of culture, faith, and society. Don’t dismiss studying subjects such as this, because they can lead to many rewarding career paths such as counseling and licensed online therapy.

Of course, if you prefer to use your mind to solve problems not with people, but with more abstract concepts, then you could head down an analytical route. People often joke that math is useless in the real world unless you want to become a mathematician, but this is total rubbish. Analysts have roles in many different industries. You could go into forensic science or even work on the pricing for airline flights. If you have a problem solving mind, then look into industries which interest you and see if there’s a role which demands your talents. You might be surprised.

The Artist

This feels like a good place at which to end the article because creative people often struggle the most to find a career which suits their personality and interests. They just want to create things will full artistic freedom in a business world which demands order, structure, and a lack of freedom. However, there are more opportunities for artists in this world than you might think. If you have a way with words then you could consider marketing because that’s certainly a career which allows you to write creatively. In fact, businesses encourage it. They want their adverts to be eye catching and artistic because that’s what the consumer wants. They don’t want to see boring business jargon.

Even certain roles in the world of engineering, such as industrial design and architecture demand some creativity and artistic vision. Don’t dismiss your artistic talents just yet. There’s a career which is right for you. You just need to think outside the box. You can still pursue your dreams of being a fictional author, a painter, or a musician in your spare time, but that doesn’t mean you should turn down the job opportunity as a graphic designer or a marketing consultant. Give certain industries a chance and see what you think.

At the end of the day, it’s hard to squeeze individuals into general categories. Each of the traits mentioned above could apply to a whole variety of diverse individuals. The point of this article was, instead, to get you thinking about aspects of your character and how they might align to certain job roles. Perhaps a few of the ideas mentioned really leapt out at you and perhaps they were aspects that you hadn’t even considered.

You have to remember that deciding a career path is a matter of personality, but also of interests and values. You might have an authoritative personality, but don’t become a manager in a meat factory if you don’t agree with the ethics of it. That’s a blunt example, but you get the idea. The core thing to accept is that only you know what kind of job role or career path sounds like a good fit. Don’t let other people steer you in a direction which feels wrong to you with regards to your personality, your values, and your interests.