Why Protesting Is Your Legal Right
Despite the Pandemic

The pandemic has left a lot of questions about the economic state of the world. As a result, protests have peaked in places that are most affected by COVID-19. As individuals fight for their rights, there is a pushback that may infringe on your personal liberties.

Is It Illegal to Protest?

If you regularly browse lawmanaging, then the 1st Amendment should be a familiar right. It is a protection that has been justifiably used in several cases. For protesting, the 1st Amendment should be memorized from the beginning until the end. It is the right to assemble and express views to undo mistreatment or unfair advantages. Although it isn’t illegal to protest, there are loopholes that allow the government and police to place restrictions on gatherings. This is why the right to gather in the pandemic is important, and has become a hot button topic for all involved.

Where the Pandemic Hit Hardest

Low-wage and low-hour workers have suffered the most during the pandemic. As a result, the economy has not settled to a place where higher ups feel comfortable. Unemployment is still rising, but unemployment payments continue to get delayed or completely cut. All of this combined with strict COVID-19 protocols has led to a lack of the usual distractions from the daily grind. It seems minimal on the surface, but these small jobs and activities were the glue that held the economy together. Most of the protest population is made up of disenfranchised workers and individuals that want their lives back. These groups are large, and their message is clear – unfortunately, the usual protest busting tactics are being used to silence their voices.

What Is Considered Illegal Protesting?

If you plan on protesting, understand the recitation of the 1st amendment on a daily basis. After that, consider the setting, tone, and place for your fight. Being right about the context of the protest doesn’t mean you can’t be wrong about the way it is approached.

An illegal protest example is when a large group disrupts businesses or traffic. A good example of a legal protest is a mass planned walkout by disgruntled workers. Both methods carry the same message, but only one protects your rights as a citizen. An often-controversial example of both sides of the coin is with the Occupy Wall Street movement in Zuccotti Park. It started out as a legal protest that ended with illegal trespassing.

Protests during the pandemic era are taking the same form by using a mixture of legal and illegal tactics. You will always be protected with your right to protest an injustice, but that legality stops when you disrupt a functioning society. Keep in mind that businesses and government entities will attempt to criminalize any disruptive gathering that falls under their legal umbrella. As long as you don’t ‘give them a reason’, then these hardline tactics will never interrupt a successful protest.

Finding A Way

When rights need to be fought for, taking a stand is the first step to accomplishing change. Like-minded individuals will always find a way to make the world a more comfortable place. The pandemic may be the trigger, but courageous stands were always within proximity.