When Your Software
Development Career Hits A Snag

You may be lucky and get with a software development company right out of college that encourages you to maintain a steady pace as well as take time out to keep learning new programming languages. However, often, software developers have to try out a few different paths before knowing what they want to end up doing. As a software development master’s degree holder, you hold all the power in your career, so even if it seems like things aren’t taking off right away, you still literally have boundless opportunities and options. Fortune 500 companies hire software developers so that they can release new mobile phone apps and update proprietary software that they use for back office purposes. Smaller independent companies need software developers to create the engines that their video games, audio editing software, and even online platforms will run on. If your career isn’t going as planned, here is how you can regroup:

when your career has hit a snag

Put Yourself Out There

Do you know everyone in your department on a personal level? What about other coworkers in other parts of the company you’re employed by? If you’re looking to be promoted or even work for a different team, you must be a familiar face. Your career may have lost steam because you’ve just been going to work and going through the motions. Try to be a bit more personable and maybe you’ll see a lot of improvement.

Socialize With Other Software Developers

People who work in the same industries often travel in the same circles, even in their off time. Think back to when you were working on your masters in software development and see if you can track down some of your long lost classmates. If you don’t really feel comfortable reaching out to anyone that you used to go to school with, then look at various events near and far that are geared toward technology and software development. During the course of a multi-day conference you’ll get dozens of opportunities to strike up side conversations and give out your business card.

Work On Your Own Software Projects

Do you have an idea for a mobile game that you think is good enough to be distributed via Google Play and the iTunes store? If you know how to create mobile games, applications, or other types of software, you don’t need a middleman to help you sell it. In fact, the more software development projects you’re able to complete on your own, the better your portfolio will look. Potential clients will be impressed at the fact that you’re able to get projects done on your own. Companies that you desire to work with will also be receptive to your unique point of view on project execution.

Whether you’re stuck in a position at a company where you aren’t happy, or if you have been sending out job applications and have received zero bites, consider what you have to offer. Software developers have incredible skills, and like phlebotomists, paralegals, and financial consultants, not just anyone can do your job. Work as a freelancer, look for temporary projects and speak to other developers if your career requires a boost at any point.