What Is Guest Posting and
Why Should You Try It?

Guest posting or guest blogging is a well-known concept among bloggers. Simply put, it is the process of writing blog posts or articles for other blogs. The main goal is to write a top-quality authentic article based on the specific requirements of a particular blog or website on topics relating to that website. In fact, there are sites like QualityGuestPosts.com offering top quality guest posting services online.

This is beneficial for both parties involved in the arrangement. For the host site, they get an authentic, well-written article. The writer, on the other hand, gets a backlink to his or her own site in return. This is usually included in a section known as the author-box that also contains other info about the writer usually at the bottom of the post. In some cases, the backlink may also be included in the body of the article itself.

As a practical example, if you own an e-commerce website that sells fashion accessories with an accompanying blog. You can accept guest posts from bloggers on various fashion categories such as fashion hacks, “how to” articles, top fashion tips and so on. This will attract and engage your own customers who are in search of specific keywords relating to the posts on your site. The blogger will also benefit from your own traffic as well. Here are some of the other reasons why writing and accepting guest posts is important.

Why You Should Accept Guest Posts

Diversify your content: featuring posts from other writers is a great way to bring new perspectives and fresh ideas to your blog or website. Every writer typically has his/her own ideas and style of writing. Your website can benefit from the freshness that new hands will bring.

Reach new audience: it is generally believed that every new writer will potentially bring in a new wave of audience. While this might not necessarily be in large numbers, adding a few more readers to your audience will isn’t a bad idea.

Bring experts on your blogs: Guest posting is a great way to bring in and feature experts on your blog. You can consider this from two perspectives. Even if you are an authority in your field already, you might not be the best of writers. Finding a writer with excellent writing skills will have a tremendous impact on your website. On the other hand, accepting a guest post from an expert in your field will further boost the authority of your site. In either case, two good heads are better than one.

It is convenient: Although this might sound like a lazy strategy, it’s good logic if you think about. Not everyone can keep up with posting regularly every day of the week. You can do that conveniently by giving some slots to specific writers that will write quality content for you. Every new article guest posted on your site means less work for you.

Why You Should Write Guest Posts

  • Seal your place as an authority: having your work published on reputable sites in your industry will improve your credibility as an expert writer. It will definitely look good on your profile and give you wider exposure in your niche.
  • It is Good for SEO: one of the major criteria used by search engines to rank search results is the number and quality of links that point towards your website. These are referred to as off-page links. By guest posting on relevant websites, you will boost your SEO score and rank higher in search results.
  • Network with other bloggers: Just like in every field of endeavor, networking with others in your niche will do your career as a blogger a lot of good. By gaining more visibility among your peers will boost your brand identity.
  • Make more money: while money shouldn’t be the main motivation for blogging, it is one of the perks to expect. Guest blogging is a source of both direct and indirect income. You can get paid for writing high-quality content and it can also boost revenue for your own site as your audience grows.

Like every other strategy, guest blogging requires some work on both sides. It is not a magic wand that will solve all your blogging worries. In fact, when done wrong, blogging can be a problem too. Which is why both the blogger and the host site should do their homework before agreeing to the deal in order to reap the full benefits of their arrangement.