What is Attention Marketing?

Whether you’re using your computer, driving your car, listening to the radio, or watching TV, you’re inundated with advertising all day, every day.

Some advertising companies realize that most of us have found a way to drown out these intrusive messages. That’s why a few are using a unique concept called attention marketing.

Invented by Internet entrepreneur Steve Jelly and given traction by author Seth Godin, attention marketing is a way to generate interest from consumers through non-invasive means and immediate gratification. For example, something as simple as a pop-up ad on a website can utilize invasive or non-invasive ways.

As attention marketing continues to rise in popularity, now is the time to identify all the advantages this marketing approach has to offer for businesses and their consumers.

Non-Invasive Advertising

While an invasive pop-up will scream for a user’s attention by interrupting their workflow, a non-invasive pop-up will be subtle and creatively engage with a user’s vision. Interacting with a non-invasive pop-up may also earn the user a fast and rewarding response.

Compare this to conventional ads like loud and flashy radio spots, billboards, or TV commercials. It’s easy for us to lower the volume, change the channel, or avert our eyes. In fact, more invasive marketing techniques are proving to be counterproductive by turning off users.

Rapid Response Time

A school of attention marketing is all about rapid delivery. For example, when shopping for homes on Nobul, a disruptive real estate marketplace, you quickly get a wealth of relevant information.

Nobul, founded by Regan McGee, offers users almost instantaneous responses by utilizing state-of-the-art technology. The Nobul website and app are optimized for different types of browsers and mobile devices. The Nobul platform is engaging, features an excellent user interface, and values user experiences.

Nobul also leverages deep learning algorithms to analyze Big Data and offer users quick and on-the-mark service. Fast response time is vital in sizzling markets, allowing users to make fast critical decisions.

“That matters tremendously when the market is as hot as it is right now. But, more importantly, customers have come to expect that kind of immediacy,” McGee shared in an interview with Digital Connect Mag. “They get it with Uber, which can tell you within minutes when your driver is coming to pick you up. And they get it with Amazon, which can tell you almost exactly when your package is going to arrive.”

Social Media

Many attention marketing campaigns take place on social media to capitalize on the non-invasive philosophy and earn rapid organic engagement. They may also leverage multiple social media staples to grab user attention:

  • Influencers
  • Celebrities
  • News
  • GIFs
  • Memes
  • Infographics
  • Humor
  • Hacks
  • Games
  • Puzzles

An Emotional Connection

Some attention marketing specialists suggest that advertisements should develop an emotional connection with the target audience by digging into their desires. For example, a real estate ad targeting millennials may reference their struggle to find homes in competitive housing markets, or a financial technology ad may target users interested in generating wealth through cryptocurrency investments.

Attention marketing can be significantly more effective than expensive and elaborate marketing campaigns because it subtly targets the human psyche. After all, the modern consumer wants to be wooed by marketers instead of being beaten into submission with over-the-top messaging.