What Can A Medical
Discrimination Lawyer Do For You?

Healthcare discrimination occurs when people are treated unfairly based on their race, gender, disability, age, or other protected characteristics.

A national survey found that over half of healthcare workers considered patient racial discrimination a major issue, with nearly 47% witnessing it in their workplaces. According to Axios.com, Black and Latino healthcare workers were more likely to report racial discrimination incidents compared to white workers.

According to medical discrimination lawyer Emanuel Shirazi, victims can consult a skilled attorney to help them evaluate their case, gather evidence, and represent them in court. They can help you file regulatory complaints and negotiate settlements or represent you in court. Their expertise protects your rights and guarantees legal fairness.

In this article, you will learn how a medical discrimination lawyer can help you seek justice for unfair treatment in healthcare or the workplace.

Understanding Your Rights as a Patient

If you are a patient who has experienced discrimination, you must be aware of your rights to receive proper healthcare.

Before giving your final consent, you should know the doctor’s plan for your treatment. Your consent is required for the release of your health records.

You can refuse treatment and request a second opinion if you are not comfortable with the proposed treatment.

Identifying Instances of Medical Discrimination

Discrimination can manifest in the denial of certain treatments or specialists, compared to others who receive them without any issues. Other discriminatory acts include unnecessary tests/procedures based on your stereotypes.

Medical discrimination can occur when appointments are rushed, the history is not thoroughly reviewed, or medical personnel make mistakes.

You can address discrimination after you have identified its instances.

Gathering Evidence and Documentation

You can proceed to collect credible evidence after you have identified a medical discrimination case. Evidence includes medical records, test results, treatment plans, and doctor correspondence.

All exchanges should be recorded as they happened, including dates, times, and names. Record witnesses’ names. If you are subjected to verbal harassment, write down what the harasser said.

Take photos or screenshots of discriminatory materials like brochures and posters. Keep a journal of your discriminatory experiences and how they affected your health.

Presenting these documents will strengthen your claim and help your discrimination lawyer effectively establish a solid medical discrimination case.

Pursuing Legal Action Against Discriminatory Practices

Consult a lawyer familiar with medical discrimination cases. A lawyer with prior background in medical discrimination helps address the legal complexities often associated with these kinds of cases. A medical discrimination attorney can help explain your rights and options.

The goal of medical discrimination lawyers is to hold the responsible party accountable for any harm caused to the patient. Their legal support can help fight discrimination and change the healthcare system.

Providing Support Throughout the Legal Process

A medical discrimination lawyer can guide you through the legal process and help you secure justice for the harm you have suffered.

They will remind you of important deadlines and help you accomplish the necessary legal requirements to avoid delays and costly mistakes that can jeopardize your case. They will explain to you the potential outcomes, allowing you to prepare accordingly.

Medical discrimination lawyers can serve as a source of emotional support during the process. Their presence and support allow you to fully focus on recovery.