Ways to Guard Against Cybercrime In 2021

Since the inception of the internet, there has been a rapid rise in cybercrime as online criminals look to obtain people’s personal information, infiltrate computers and take advantage of various forms of technology they use to conduct their crimes. Things have progressed too, with new methods being carried out on an alarmingly regular basis.

Image by Darwin Laganzon from Pixabay

Companies which take too long to update software can fall victim to cybercrime. Likewise, individuals can be on the receiving end of a scam when surfing the web. It can happen to anyone and at any time, particularly with virtually everyone on the planet now online in some shape or form. A concerning trend of attacks is certainly developing, especially in recent times as more and more of us are staying indoors and enjoying everything the internet has to offer.

There are numerous common methods of attack cybercriminals use, but not everyone is guarded against them or even aware of the type of ways in which an attack can be carried out. One minute, someone could be looking for bargains on eBay or playing games like Starburst for real money, then the next minute they could open up a seemingly harmless email without a second thought and end up being duped by a scammer. Thankfully, there are ways in which we can guard against cybercrime.

Here’s a look at some ways in which you can protect yourself against cybercrime in 2021.

Consider Using A Full-Service Internet Security Suite

Full-service internet security suites, such as Norton Security, enable you to feel at ease and essentially do the surveillance for you thanks to its real-time protection against any current and emerging malware, alongside guarding against additional threats such as viruses and ransomware. On top of this, they offer additional protection to any private or personal details you might share online.

Manage Your Social Media Settings

In the modern world, social media is a massively popular tool and is widely used by people. It comes as no surprise, then, to see criminals looking to exploit it and gain little snippets of information they can find online to help conduct a scam. Consider making yourself ‘private’ on social media platforms like Twitter, alongside making sure you don’t share any important or personal information online.

Use Strong Passwords

The more complex your passwords are, the better. Obviously, that can lead to difficulties remembering them but consider using password managers if that’s the case. Ultimately, it’s important not to use the same password over and over again. Try different passwords for different accounts. Make sure you regularly change them, too.

Keep Your Software Updated

It’s an obvious solution to many, but people can forget to keep the software on their system updated. That in itself is exactly what cybercriminals look for, therefore making it vitally important to make sure your operating system and internet security software is up to date.

Talk to Your Kids

Your children can also fall victim to a scam or open up your computer to one, making it important to keep them in the loop with any developing scams that could occur on a website or platform they might use while on your computer. Establish an ongoing dialogue around cybercrime with them.

Strengthen Your Wi-Fi

Always make sure you have a strong encryption password on top of a virtual private network whenever you’re using a public Wi-Fi. Better still, consider using a VPN at all times to add an additional layer of security when going online. It’s certainly worth using a VPN if you use public Wi-Fi on a regular basis.