The State of Social:
Still a Divided Union

Social media has come a long way since its inception. While increasingly central to our lives, it is still predominantly used for personal social networking as opposed to business and commerce. Facebook still leads the way in personal social media adoption at 66%. Microblogging sites such as Twitter, despite their growing name recognition, trail further below at only 22%. Professional use of social media trends in a distinctly different direction, with 39% of use centering on LinkedIn followed by 31% each for wikis and Skype, with participation in internal social networking sites landing much further down the ladder at a mere 10%. And many employees, unlike their managers, are still barred from using social media in the workplace.

Curious to glean more insight on the state of social today? Have a look at Urban Cloud’s infographic below along with some of their recommendations for bridging the personal-commercial divide in social media to everyone’s benefit.

The State of Social Media

From Visually.


The State of Social Media infographic by Boris Benko.