The Keys to Effective Networking: A New Look at an Old Approach
Growing a business today may seem easier because of the Internet, but unfortunately, altogether too many owners and directors seem to forget the human element. Whether you are dealing with business peers or consumers (b2b or b2c) it is vital to remember that success is somehow inextricably linked to networking. This means making contacts, following up on them and engaging your audience. There are a number of ways to do that:
Face to Face Contact
One of the main reasons why direct sales marketing has taken hold so quickly is because of the human element. Consumers and business peers like to know who they are dealing with. They want a face behind the brand. This is especially important to millennials, oddly enough as a group that spends most of their day online, so get out there and meet them. Drive around your market if at all possible and get seen. Attend events, set up at conferences and call on your contacts periodically. Don’t drive? Then start learning. You can practice theory at sites like by taking the exam before going in for the real thing and once you pass your practical, you’ll be out there on the road. You will never know just how important human contact is until you’ve begun networking face to face.
Old School Networking Is Still #1
Again, there is something to be learned from the up-and-coming millennials who crave human contact from marketers, whether they are in-house or an agency. They simply prefer talking one-on-one over discussing products or services in a chat. If you want to build an effective contact base, then get out there and meet your audience. No, it isn’t always possible if you are a global distributor or retailer, but if you have a large consumer or peer group in your market area. And bear in mind that millennials will soon overtake boomers as the largest group with buying power, so it is in your best interest to give them what they want – that’s your face.
New Meaning To An Old Adage
It’s also important to quickly learn how to separate the wheat from the chaff. This old time idiom is just as relevant in marketing as it was in the days of winnowing grain. Learn to quickly spot viable leads to build your network and those are the ones you keep in your contact database. Try to regularly contact them or better yet, visit them face-to-face periodically. As your client/consumer base grows you will probably not be able to visit as regularly as you once had, so keep those contacts in mind who have helped you grow your network. Those are the ones you keep up on regularly while the others you visit as you’re able.
The importance of face-to-face networking cannot be over emphasized. Consumers and business peers want to know who they are dealing with. They want to engage with brands and that means you. Sometimes you just need to make the time to get out there and mingle. If you can’t do it, hire an agency that can. Old school networking is still the most effective, so get up and get out there. Your audience is waiting for you.