SEO Landscape in 2023:
What Has Changed?

SEO trends are always changing, so it’s important to keep up with them so that you can stay on top of the game. Most of the basics will remain the same for the upcoming year of 2023, but these new emerging trends will help you stay ahead of the curve so that you can gain some ground over your competitors. Here are the trends you should be keeping an eye out for and possibly implement into your SEO practices.

The Impact Of Voice Search

In addition to employing some of the best Link Building Services out there, you might want to consider making your content compatible with voice search. Voice search technology has greatly impacted SEO, as they are processed in a more natural language format that is different that searching for specific keywords. Voice search has also become a more popular choice since it takes less time than having to type into a text-based interface.

Mobile-First Indexing

Mobile-first indexing has become such an important part of successful SEO, especially since more and more people are accessing the Internet through their phones and other mobile devices. Search engines have warned websites may be “downgraded” in search rankings if they are not optimized for mobile. Having mobile-first indexing can also benefit some websites by allowing them to customize their sites for different types of users so that they can have a better browsing experience.

Visual Searches

This is the act of conducting a search with a photo rather than typing in text. It has provided great convenience to users and gives them a more accurate and faster way to find what they’re looking for. And this increased engagement with customers has made it easier for companies to rise in rankings due to the increased traffic.

Decreased Loading Times

Loading times can make or break how much traffic you get to your website. This is because a consumer is more likely to click away if it takes too long to get to the content of your site. It’s best to use applications and plugins that can meet the needs of the customers by granting them instant access to what they’re looking for.

Structured Data

Structured data is a form of information that provides context to search engines so that they can better understand the content and index it more easily. Structured data can also improve the visibility of a webpage, increase traffic organically, and even improve click-through rate. Semantic HTML and markup languages can help website owners to ensure that their pages get the recognition that they deserve from search engines.

These new trends are continuing to change the way SEO operates, but it also keeping the game streamlined by introducing new technologies that are making it easier for users to find what they’re looking for. If you are interested in trying to implement any of these new technologies on your site or pages, then contact your local service provider to see how they can help you make the most out of your SEO opportunities.