Reasons Why Your Firm Should
Use a Web Design Company Rather Than Taking A DIY Approach

Through the last 30 years, the web has completely transformed modern business by streamlining processes, opening new markets, and improving business communications. Companies that want to set their businesses for a successful future need a functional website and a good WordPress agency like DevriX to help them maintain it. In today’s uber-connected world, it’s now possible for firms of all sizes to compete on a level playing field, reaching out to fresh clients, and expanding into untapped markets on a local, national, and even international scale.

The Importance of a Well-Designed Website

Recent research shows that around 71% of all consumer journeys (B2B and B2C) start with an online search, so it’s crucially important that your site can be found online in search engines – then deliver the goods when a user visits.

As a marketing tool, your company website is probably its greatest asset and can provide the world with a window on your operations. Just like you would ensure you looked professional at a business meeting and prepared what you would say, your site should project the right image with the best content.

The Growth of Online Web Builders – Should You Take the DIY Approach?

Successful web design is a science that encompasses everything from choosing the right fonts and images to understanding layouts, design touches, color theory, and the importance of prioritizing content. Sure, you might think you have a good handle on web development through using the net, but, in truth, very few casual web users possess these skills.

While it is now possible for almost anyone to make a budget website using the online web builders that have become so prevalent in the last few years, if you spend time studying and comparing a professionally made site against a DIY page, you’ll immediately see they’re worlds apart. Indeed, you’ll often be able to immediately notice a DIY site against one that’s been developed by a professional firm.

Web Developers Have Skills Far Beyond Those of Just Casual Web Users

As mentioned above, successful web design and development encompasses a huge range of skills – and that’s without even touching on the significant programming skills that are required to make bespoke websites.

For this reason, most professional development companies are split into various divisions and departments covering everything from User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), coding, page design, and Search Engine Optimization (SEO). These required skills make it almost impossible for just one person (even a skilled developer or designer) to perform each task to a sufficient standard.

In truth, if you want to cover all bases and end up with a site that performs a functional role in your marketing and works for you as a promotional asset, you need to think about hiring a professional development company.

Will A DIY Site Work in The Meantime?

One of the most common mistakes companies (particularly start-ups) make is cutting back on their online promotions instead of prioritizing other, apparently more important requirements.

If you want your firm to stand out and project the right image, you should make investing in a professionally designed website your number one priority. Taking the halfway-house approach might seem like a smart move, but, in real terms, all you’ll end up doing is stunting company growth and, potentially, damaging your overall image and online profile.