Methods to Increase Google Ads Conversions
Approximately 97% of Google’s income is mainly from Google Ads. This helps us have a pretty good understanding of how important and effective these ads are – otherwise, so many businesses wouldn’t be using it, and it wouldn’t become the most important source of Google’s revenue.
Having a big budget and a lot of money to invest in strategy building and Google Ads is great, but it is not necessarily clever. It is true that the more you invest, the bigger chance you have to be on top of the results of Google Search. But that is not the main purpose of using Google Ads.
The main purpose of using Google Ads and investing your money in it should be generating leads, driving more traffic to your website, getting your target audience to convert, and bringing your business revenue. So because of all that, here we will share quite a few methods and tips to increase your Google Ads conversions fast.
Start with a Google Ads Audit
Before you take any steps to increase Google Ads conversion, it is only smart to fully understand the current situation that you are in. And there is no better way to do it than by performing a free Google Ads audit on your business account. And luckily, there are great online tools that offer this service for free.
By performing a Google Ads audit, you will learn your Google Ads overall rate. This will give you a better view of where you stand compared to your competitors and what specific actions you need to take to optimize your Google Ads. Auditing will check your bidding strategy, keywords performance, quality score, and other crucial factors to give you the most precise information possible.
More to it, after the audit, you will receive some insightful bidding improvement suggestions that you can use to increase your Google Ads conversions. This feature will help you improve the bidding strategy even on the worst performing and less profitable products and services.
Use Call to Action
Writing a good copy for your ad is never easy – it has to sound natural, be engaging, relevant, and a little intriguing. But even that is not enough. To be even more sure that your target audience clicks on the ad and maybe even converts, you need to start using a call to action. If you still haven’t, it is about time you experiment with it.
When writing a copy, always try to become your potential customer and think the way they would think. Write two versions of ad copy for the same product or service – one with a call to action and one without it. Which one creates a bigger urge to click on it?
If a call to action is new to you, for starters, try to include the most popular call to action phrases like get, shop, buy, try, and learn. Experiment with your new ad copies and measure the results – it is likely that you will see an average or high increase in clicks and conversions of the ad after trying multiple variations.
Offer Added Value
If you really want to increase the number of conversions of your Google Ads, it is obvious that you need to get people clicking on your ads more often. And in the times where competition is as harsh as it can be, the added value is probably the only thing that can help you outshine your competition.
Added value highly depends on the business that you are in. For example, if you sell some complex software or products, you could offer free online lessons for your customers to decide if it’s worth the purchase. Or you could simply offer free shipping – especially if most of your competitors aren’t offering it.
When you decide what your added value is going to be, make sure you can accomplish what you promise your target audience and place the added value in the headline or subheadline of the ad – so that the people who are searching for a product or service could clearly see why your business is better than 3 other similar ones.
Create Social Proof
One of the essential elements of online marketing nowadays is social proof, but unfortunately, not everybody is using it. As there are more online stores in the eCommerce market than ever, reviews have become very important for people shopping online.
And there is no surprise why – first of all, some of the online stores might be fraud, especially when Covid-19 has changed media consumption and point of view, and secondly, when you purchase something online, you are giving up the opportunity to try out the product, to touch it or see if it fits your size.
Therefore reviews, especially if they are legit, can solve the problem of untrustworthiness in online shopping.