Leveraging LinkedIn:
How to Market Effectively on the Professional Network

Setting up and running a company is challenging yet rewarding. There are a lot of hurdles that you need to overcome just before you open for business, and it doesn’t stop there.

To make sure that your business stays open, you need to tap into your target customer base’s needs and provide them with a product or solution they’ll find effective and useful. Luckily, potential customers can be found almost everywhere – from your friends and family members to local community members and beyond.

Say your company’s looking to expand its current reach to interact and build lasting relations with potential customers and business partners around the globe. If that’s the case, look no further than LinkedIn.

LinkedIn is regarded as the largest professional network on the planet. And if your company’s primary target audience involves career professionals, or perhaps your business is eyeing professional partnerships, LinkedIn is a powerful tool you can take advantage of fully.

LinkedIn Advertising 101

LinkedIn is akin to any other social media network on the web. You can share posts, interact with fellow users, do advertising, and many more. The main difference that it has is that LinkedIn’s users belong to the career professionals demographic.

Did you know that LinkedIn advertising can reach a highly targeted audience for your business? This allows you to link up with the right people at the right time. Whether you’re looking to attract relevant traffic to your official site, market your product and service offerings, generate leads, and the like, LinkedIn advertising can help you achieve your business goals.

But how do you get started with LinkedIn advertising? First, you’ll need to create a LinkedIn Campaign Manager account. This is where you’ll manage all of your advertising campaigns on the platform; plus, the platform is free. Once you’ve set up your account, you can create your first LinkedIn campaign.

When creating a campaign, you’ll have several options to choose from. They’re namely Sponsored Content, Sponsored Messaging, Text Ads, and Dynamic Ads.

Sponsored Content on LinkedIn allows you to create posts and promote them in the professional network’s feed. Meanwhile, Sponsored Messaging, formerly known as Sponsored InMail, is a type of advertising that your business can utilize to send personalized messages to your target audiences’ inboxes. And finally, if you’re looking to drive traffic to your website, you can create Text Ads or Dynamic Ads.

Whatever type of LinkedIn ad you choose, your company is bound to enjoy a bounty of benefits.

For starters, LinkedIn advertising enables your marketing team to target audiences with high precision. You can target LinkedIn members based on their job title, company size, industry, location, and more using the professional network site’s built-in ad management tools.

In addition, using LinkedIn advertising gives you value for your money. Besides that, most ad types can be crafted and deployed hassle-free, which makes your marketing personnel’s workload a lot lighter.

Other Means of Marketing on LinkedIn

Indeed, LinkedIn advertising is a very effective method to market your company to your target audiences on LinkedIn. Nonetheless, it costs money – and if your company’s only running on a limited budget, LinkedIn advertising may cause strain on your business’ finance books.

Luckily, advertising is just one way to market effectively on LinkedIn. There are many other strategies you can use to build your brand and connect with potential customers and partners – for free or at a reduced cost.

One of the most important things you can do is optimize your LinkedIn profile. Your profile is your personal brand on the platform, so make sure it’s complete and has up-to-date information. Include a headshot taken by a professional photographer, a thought-provoking headline, a cleat summary of your experience and expertise, and the like.

Another effective way to market on LinkedIn is by sharing valuable content with your network. This could include blog posts, articles, videos, or infographics that provide value to your audience. By sharing valuable content, you’ll establish yourself as an expert in your field and attract avid followers.

Plus, you can use LinkedIn Groups to connect with like-minded professionals in your industry. Join groups that are relevant to your business and participate in the discussions posted there. Share your insights and expertise with other group members and build relationships with potential patrons and business partners.

Lastly, don’t forget about the power of personal connections on LinkedIn. Connect with people in your industry and engage with their content. Send personalized connection requests and messages to build relationships with them. You may not know it now, but you’re planting the seeds of trust and camaraderie today, and you’ll be able to reap their fruits later on.

In Conclusion

LinkedIn is a powerful tool for marketing your business and building your brand’s public image. By leveraging the professional network platform’s advertising features, optimizing your account profile, sharing relevant content, participating in groups, and building personal connections, you can reach a highly targeted audience and achieve your marketing goals.