Innovation Challenge: India


The Innovation Challenge in India supports’s vision of a connected world by recognizing those who are working to make the internet more relevant to women, students, farmers and migrant workers in India. Our goal with this challenge is to encourage the development of apps, websites and online services that provide real value for the members of these important communities.




One Innovation Challenge Award prize in the amount of $250,000 USD will be presented to the app, website or service that the judges determine best meets the needs of one of the four designated population categories: women, students, farmers and migrant workers (four awards total). Each of the Innovation Challenge Award winners will also be eligible to receive a package of tools and services worth up to $60,000 USD from Facebook’s FbStart program.

In addition, two apps, websites or services designed for each of the four specified population categories will receive an Impact Award prize in the amount of $25,000 USD (eight awards total).


All entries must be received by January 31, 2015. Winners will be announced at Mobile World Congress, which will take place during the first week of March 2015.


Please be sure to review the Innovation Challenge rules carefully before entering. Download the PDF or request a copy by emailing A signed copy of the rules must accompany your entry.