How a Professional Employer Organization
Can Help Your Business

Are you a new business struggling to get your business duties under control? Well, you could benefit greatly from partnering with a certified professional employer organization. When the task of recruiting new employees is too much to handle, they can come in and save the day.

If this is a service that you feel could help your business, take a look at the information below to learn more about it.

What Is a Professional Employer Organization?

For your most time-consuming human resources duties and employer responsibilities, a PEO is an all-in-one subcontracting alternative. It’s generally for those company tasks that are business duties, such as payroll and employee benefits.

When you partner with a PEO, it becomes the professional employer over your labor force, providing services and benefits. However, it doesn’t provide additional staff.

You’ll still have control of all business decision-making as an operational employer. You’ll continue to focus on managing the job duties of your staff and other daily responsibilities.

The HR duties that your company gives to the PEO depend on your needs and the duties that you provide in the contract with the PEO. This contract is known as a customer service contract or CSA.

The Primary Benefits of a Professional Employer Organization

By managing the bulk of your company’s HR duties, you could typically outsource to several different service providers. PEO’s help you reduce time by also handling your various vendor partnerships.

Here are some of the main benefits of hiring a PEO:

Improves Employee Experience

A professional employer organization typically provides a broader range of benefit options. It also offers better rates than what you would be able to provide your staff with just a small or medium-sized business. By partnering with a PEO, your staff gets access to the same benefits of a large business.

Ultimately, they assist you with hiring and maintaining top-level work talent to help you better your business.

Minimal Risks

Through your relationship with a professional employer organization, your business can efficiently mitigate a large portion of the risk of having workers. It handles risks like I-9 requirements, correctly reporting and depositing taxes, and managing the provision of employment practice liability.

Minimizes Costs

PEO’s don’t just help businesses save time. They also help them save money. They’re able to accomplish this by implementing business practices that minimize employee turnover.

A professional employer organization also puts together specific plans for future projects and find unorthodox ways to motivate staff members to do their work to the best of their ability.

If you like the benefits listed above, check out this location to learn more about PEO’s.

Enjoy the Benefits of a Professional Employer Organization

There are many perks to hiring a professional employer organization. They are there to assist with some of the most complicated tasks of running the business, which is HR and payroll. Thankfully, PEO’s are available to help small and mid-size businesses handle their everyday tasks. It’s a win-win!