Email Appending:
The Missing Link In Your Marketing Campaigns?

Companies carry out all kinds of different marketing campaigns each year, for example: Stunning April Fools Email Ideas to Boost Your Campaign’s Performance. Many will stick to online campaigns while others opt for offline strategies. A sure fire way of reaching a particular audience is through email marketing. It’s a strategy that most firms use because it offers a high return on investment. You might not think it, but many email recipients click on links for special offers or news, for example. The brilliant thing about email is that people can read messages at their convenience.

In many ways, email marketing is better than sales cold calls. It’s also cheaper too, as you don’t have to hire an army of salespeople. Of course, there is one downside to email marketing that some strategists know all too well. I am, of course, talking about targeting.

Why Email Appending Makes Sense

An ideal situation would involve having a curated email list where you knew a good deal about your audience. For instance, you had details of their full names, where they lived and what interests them. You also had their personal or business email addresses (or both). The sad truth is many companies have all kinds of details except email addresses. As you can imagine, that’s a major hurdle to overcome if you want to send them electronic mail. So, how can email appending help you to get past such a barrier?

The brilliant thing about email is that people can read messages at their convenience. Click to Tweet

In a nutshell, email appending refers to the cross referencing details with a third party list. There are marketing companies that can supply details of people that include email addresses. Email appending is where you can match the data you have to see if it’s on another list. If you find a match, you now have an opportunity to email your customer.

Is Email Appending Controversial?

Some people assume that email appending is just another way for firms to spam people with junk mail. Albeit in an electronic format. But that’s not what the process is all about. The thing about email append services is they are there to enhance customer experiences. Everyone usually opts in to have their details shared with third parties. Of course, there are companies that could provide a similar product or service to what they use.

Here is one specific example: Company A offers training services. Company B provides website SEO tools that their customers can use.

Some clients of Company B elected to have their details shared with third parties. Company B could sell a marketing list to Company A. Imagine if they have mutual customers? Company A could now email former training clients with special offers. One example might be to offer a package where they learn about Internet marketing. They could provide a discount code for Company B’s services as part of the deal.

Is The Process Labor Intensive?

By now, you might think that email appending is a great idea for your business. But, won’t you have to spend days manually searching through lists and cross referencing? The answer is no. It’s possible to automate the task using software you can use in your web browser. If you want to build an email list and add existing clients to it, email appending is a brilliant idea.