Dog Land Social App Connects
Dog Lovers Around the World
This land is your land. This land is Dog Land.
Dog Land is a fun and social app that allows dog lovers from around the world to interact in a like-minded community of pet owners. Make a profile for you and your best friend, find dog friendly places and share your adventures with the world.
- Share photos of you and your dog
- Find, follow and interact with dog lovers in your area and around the globe
- Connect with new and existing friends
- If you see something you like, dig it
- See dog parks, pet stores, vets, animal rescues and more
- Add tips and vote on whether a place is dog friendly (thanks for helping us crowd source dog friendly places around the world)
- “Mark your territoryā€¯ at your favorite locations to share where you are or where you’re going to be
- Instantly post to Dog Land and share to Facebook and Twitter
- Privacy settings to control who sees you