Creative Social Media Campaign Ideas
to Drive Traffic to Your Site

Did you know that there are more than 100,000 online businesses in the United States? So, for you as an entrepreneur or marketer, how will you ever be able to stand out from the crowd and generate sales?

Well, one great way is through creative social media campaigns. But many business owners don’t know where to start.

For that reason, we’ve put together this guide outlining six social media campaign ideas that you could try out to drive traffic to your online store. Check them out below.

Host a Webinar or Live Video

Video is continuing to grow in popularity when it comes to social media. One great way to drive increased traffic to your online store is via a webinar or live video.

When it comes to webinars, pick a topic that’s of interest to a broad range of people in your target market. Then promote it on your social channels for a few weeks beforehand.

As you do this, gather people’s contact information and then remind them about the event via email. During the webinar, present a common problem and show how your products can solve that issue. Then provide a direct link to your website.

You could also do a live video via Facebook or Instagram, whichever works best for you. These are awesome opportunities to present information about your products in casual, low-stress ways.

Live videos are also great because they allow for instant interaction with your viewers. In these comments and questions, you can direct people to certain pages on your website that will help them.

Try Retargeted Ads

Social media ads are continually getting more and more competitive. One way to cut through the noise is through retargeted ads.

These are ads that you serve to people who have been to specific pages on your site. For example, if someone is checking out a certain pair of sandals on your site, you can then show an ad to them on Facebook or Instagram featuring the same product.

Since you already know that they are interested in that specific product, these typically have much higher conversion rates than typical ads. It’s a win-win situation!

Create a Quiz

You’ve probably seen Buzzfeed quizzes. Over the last few years, they have skyrocketed in popularity, especially thanks to social media.

Interactive pieces of content, where people can have a personalized experience with your brand, are especially effective on social media channels.

Consider creating a Buzzfeed-style quiz that you can share on your accounts. This is an easy way to help people have memorable experiences with your company in a non-confrontational way. You can then direct them to specific pages on your site.

For more help growing your online store, check out other resources like these loan options.

Test Out Infographics in Your Social Media Campaign

The key to succeeding on social media is cutting through the noise. There are so many posts out there, both from people’s friends and companies that they follow.

To catch people’s attention, you really need to stand out!

An effective way to do this is through infographics. These are visual pieces of content that typically perform much better than plain blog posts.

That’s because people are attracted to visual content.

To come up with a great idea for your infographic, start with your core product offering. Say, for example, that you sell canes and walkers for senior citizens.

You should think of content that would appeal to a wide range of your target market. This could be an infographic titled “The 7 Pieces of Medical Equipment You’ll Need as You Age.”

That way, you can introduce your products as part of this piece. It’s a great way to get your brand in front of a lot of people on social media.

Enable Shopping on Instagram

Any company who has used Instagram in the past to promote products knows how difficult it was to get people from your image to your website. Well, now you can enable shopping tools on Instagram.

This tool lets you tag your product photos and Instagram stories directly to the corresponding webpage on your site. That way, people can access your website with one simple click.

This is by far the most seamless way to connect your Instagram feed to your online store, making it even easier for people to make purchases.

Host a Contest or Giveaway

In all of marketing, one thing is true: people love free things.

That’s why contests and giveaways can be so effective, especially on social media. No matter your industry, there are things you can give away to get people excited.

This can be industry-specific or more general. For example, if you own an online store that sells pet products, you could give away a big bundle of products including toys, food, and other pet supplies.

If you want to go the more general route, that’s another great option. You could give a package away that includes a free trip or computer. No matter what, just make sure you lead people to your website to register. That way, you’re taking full advantage of this attention.