Beyond the Hype:
Uncommon Social Strategies

Social media buzzes with the same worn-out advice – post consistently, use eye-catching visuals, engage with your followers… blah, blah, blah. You’ve heard it all before. The results, unfortunately, don’t always match the promises.

To take your social media presence to another level, it’s time to ditch the generic tactics and explore strategies that set you apart.

Niche Down for Maximum Impact

Defining your niche audience sounds basic, but too many businesses rush past this step.  Instead of trying to appeal to everyone, choose a specific group you want to serve.

Think deeply about their problems, dreams, and favorite hangouts online. When your content addresses their precise needs, you won’t waste time talking to the wrong crowd. This focused approach makes your brand instantly memorable.

Embrace the Power of Storytelling

Social media can feel impersonal with its rapid pace. People crave connection. Stories are your secret weapon. Share glimpses of your brand’s journey, the struggles, and the moments of triumph. This makes your business relatable.

  • Customer spotlight: Celebrate the real people your product or service helps.
  • Lessons learned: Don’t shy away from failures. Frame them as stepping stones. Your audience wants to know you’re human, not always perfect.

Create an Atmosphere of Value

Value, value, value. It’s the currency of social media. Don’t always push your products or services. Instead, position yourself as the go-to source for reliable, actionable advice within your niche. This establishes you as a thought leader.

  • Tutorials: Offer concise step-by-step guides that demystify complicated topics.
  • Original research: Even mini-surveys on social media can uncover valuable trends within your target market. Share these findings.
  • Roundups: Curate valuable resources from across the web in a user-friendly format.

Become a Conversation Starter

Social media is a two-way street. To get people talking, ask engaging, open-ended questions.  This signals you care about your community.

  • Polls: Quick and easy ways to get audience input while encouraging interaction.
  • Challenges: These can be silly or serious but always related to your niche. A photo challenge involving your product, for example, generates user-made content for your feed.
  • Live Q&As: Real-time engagement builds trust and allows you to offer tailored support.

Optimize for the Right Algorithms

Think of social media algorithms as gatekeepers. Understanding them isn’t about gaming the system, it’s about playing by the rules to give your content a fighting chance. Here’s the breakdown without the jargon:

  • Focus on engagement signals: Likes and shares are important, but comments are king. Design posts that spark conversations (remember those open-ended questions!).
  • Prioritize the platforms where your audience lives: Trying to be everywhere at once dilutes your efforts. Where does your ideal customer spend their online time? Focus your energy there.
  • Don’t sleep on video: Most platforms favor video content, especially short-form and live. Even simple behind-the-scenes peeks can boost your visibility.
  • Platform-specific nuances: Dive into how dwell time (how long people spend on posts) matters for platforms like Instagram or TikTok. Offer tips for boosting dwell time (intriguing openings, strong visuals, etc.).
  • The role of keywords and hashtags: Discuss how to find keywords relevant to your niche and how to use them without keyword stuffing.
  • Timing is (sometimes) everything: Research the best posting times on your chosen platforms, explaining why algorithms might favor certain days or times. (Caveat: Remind readers value trumps timing)

The Power of Consistency (Redefined)

Consistency doesn’t equal robotic posting. True consistency means showing up with value, even when inspiration wanes. Here’s how to make it sustainable:

  • Create a content calendar: Doesn’t need to be fancy. A spreadsheet with themes for each day (Motivation Monday, Tutorial Tuesday, etc.) keeps you on track.
  • Batch your content: Set aside dedicated time for writing several posts, shooting quick videos, etc. This frees up mental space during the rest of the week.
  • Repurpose strategically: A blog post becomes a carousel, a quote becomes a graphic. Maximize your mileage.
  • The value of templates: Provide examples – a caption template, a story structure template. This makes it easier for readers to take action on consistent posting.
  • Scheduling tools: Introduce a few free and paid options, with a brief overview of their pros and cons. Keeps the focus on practical solutions.
  • Repurposing with community input: Can a Twitter poll help decide which blog post to adapt next? This adds a fun, interactive element to content planning.

Embrace the ‘Messy Middle’

Social media often shows polished highlights. But audiences crave a peek behind the curtain. The ‘messy middle’ is where real connection happens.

  • Behind-the-scenes moments: Show the brainstorming, the prototyping, the unglamorous work it takes to bring products or services to life.
  • Acknowledge challenges: Did a campaign underperform? Share the analysis, not just the wins. This builds trust and shows you’re always learning.
  • Let your personality shine: Even if you’re a business account, there’s room for humor, wit, or a glimpse of the team’s shared interests.
  • The ‘before and after’: Not just for weight loss programs. Showing the progression of a project, from rough sketch to final product, is captivating and relatable.
  • Normalizing imperfection: Could a ‘blooper reel’ be on-brand? Controlled humor shows that taking yourself too seriously isn’t a requirement for success.
  • Connect with current events (tastefully): Is there a trending topic that you can tie back to your niche in an unexpected way? This demonstrates awareness and a sense of humor.

Take Advantage of ‘Micro-Influencers’

Influencer marketing isn’t just about million-follower celebrities anymore. Micro-influencers (those with smaller but highly engaged followings) often offer better value. They’re niche-specific and seen as trustworthy by their audiences.

A single well-placed product review from a micro-influencer can do wonders. Plus, micro-influencers typically charge less (or maybe open to barter). While social media tools help you find potential partners, don’t underestimate the power of sending a personalized DM.

And the Step Challenge…?

Even something as straightforward as a corporate step challenge can tap into these uncommon strategies. Promote it with stories of employees on their wellness journeys or tie the challenge to a charitable cause – value beyond the step count.

The social media landscape is always evolving, and adaptability is key. These strategies, however, have staying power. They aren’t about shortcuts. They’re about building a social media presence that commands attention because it’s genuinely useful and human-centered.


Think of social media as a noisy party. Everyone’s talking, but no one’s listening. These uncommon strategies let you rise above the noise. Use them to create a space where your ideal audience feels understood, valued, and inspired. Don’t just post content, build a community.

Don’t just chase followers, chase impact. Start small. Experiment. Adapt as you go. Ready to go live?