Are Women Losing Jobs due to
Technology Automation?

Research has indicated that women are going to be affected much more than men by AI implementation. 57% of the jobs at risk belong to women, but some believe that the actual number may be much more than this when newer technology is released on the market. Research also shows that even with reskilling, women still have less career options when compared to men. With automation becoming a huge trend in the industrial industry, it is safe to say that more and more jobs are being lost each year. Processes are becoming more efficient, and business owners are also trying to find ways to make each production line cheaper. With these changes coming into place over the next 8 years, more needs to be done to broaden the employment opportunities that are available to women workers.

Stay Informed

The career landscape is always changing. At any time, career avenues can be closed off, but they can also be opened. Make sure that you are always informed about the sectors that you are interested in, and also try and grow yourself as a person. Familiarize yourself with the market, and where possible, get involved with discussion forums or even departmental committees. Twitter is a great place to start, and it also gives you the chance to connect with employers, news outlets and even government bodies. If you need legal help due to your career loss then have Hofmann & Schweitzer represent your case.

Utilize Networks

Establishing and even maintain a professional network is crucial if you want to be open to a new collaboration. You probably have a network right now, and if you can build on this then it will only help you in the future. If you want to make the most out of the opportunities you have then you need to connect with your friends and your neighbors. Find out if they have any contacts, and also work with your former work colleagues as well. Members of professional bodies you belong to might also be able to help, so it is worth keeping an open mind.

Raise your Profile

Do your research and find out if you can create new career opportunities. Social media is your friend here, and sites such as LinkedIn can really help you to build an online image of your expertise. The best thing about LinkedIn is that you can create your own profile, listing your achievements. Other people can then vouch for you, and every time this happens, you show up to a bigger and wider audience. The more connections you have on your profile the better as well. If you want to connect with professionals then avoid sharing personal statements. Focus on delving into business news and share your opinion on industry matters. This is a fantastic way to start a conversation and get the ball rolling with potential employers and even business owners as well.