A Small Business’ Guide to SaaS

A Small Business’ Guide to SaaS

SaaS solutions are more than just another buzzword. Small businesses can benefit from introducing SaaS solutions to their business in a number of different ways. Here’s what you need to know about SaaS as a small business.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
What is Saas?

Software as a Service is a modern way of delivering software solutions to businesses that need them using cloud technologies. Instead of being downloaded or installed onto users’ computers, SaaS software is hosted remotely in the cloud. Providing software in this way offers benefits to both software developers and end-users.

Access Better Infrastructure 

The biggest advantage of using SaaS for businesses is that they can access the kind of sophisticated hardware, software, and skills that would otherwise be far too expensive for you to bring in house. Many businesses are finding that embracing SaaS is enabling them to punch above their weight in terms of the services that they offer.

A common target for SaaS solutions is cybersecurity. The costs of either hiring a cybersecurity professional or training an existing employee in cybersecurity, are both expensive propositions. However, businesses need to have good cybersecurity in place, otherwise, they are sitting ducks for unscrupulous hackers. Outsourcing your cybersecurity needs so that they can be managed remotely through SaaS will enable you to enjoy the benefits without having to make the same investment.

Save Money

For businesses of all sizes and descriptions, saving money is an ongoing concern. Anything that you can do to keep your costs down and reduce your expenditure is worth pursuing. Embracing SaaS solutions are enabling businesses to save themselves a significant amount of money while still providing them with access to the best and latest software for their business.

We already mentioned cybersecurity, but there are lots of other popular targets for SaaS solutions. A notable example is accounting and invoicing. Using cloud-based solutions means that you can be certain that all your data is automatically backed up at all times. The PieSync blog has some very useful information for anyone looking for advice when choosing a SaaS solution for their accounting. For example, PieSync’s SaaS guide. They have numerous other informational and comparison articles as well.


Buying business software is often a significant investment. You don’t want to have to go through the whole thing again in months when your system needs upgrading. But with SaaS solutions, you can scale up the service that you pay for according to your needs as a business.

This means that SaaS software can grow with your business. As your needs increase, the resources available for your business can be increased accordingly. Sticking with the same software provider in the long term enables you to establish a relationship and ensure continuity.

Software as a service solution is revolutionizing the way that businesses think about the software they use. Embracing cloud-based solutions offers numerous benefits to businesses, from reduced costs to better access to skills. Small businesses should consider SaaS solutions as they grow.