7 Ways A Facebook Fan Page Book Can Help Your Brand

7 Ways A Facebook Fan Page Book Can Help Your Brand
Charles-Henri Becquet

 Businesses are overwhelmed by marketing choices nowadays. Every brand is launching podcasts, investing in social media, producing videos and tapping into influencers.

The choice on offer is bewildering.

In social media’s case, businesses have already created a mountain of content yet unless a marketing department actively searches through their archives, most messages, photos or videos have their moment in the sun before vanishing forever.

These archives are actually marketing treasure-troves waiting to be resurfaced, repurposed and reused, however trawling through everything that your business has posted over the past decade is time-consuming and impractical.

Some brands are approaching this differently, turning to automated web-based platforms that convert Facebook and Instagram fan pages into physical books for engaging marketing content, sales materials, and customer loyalty collateral.

If creating a physical book of your company’s Facebook fan page sounds intriguing, here are 7 reasons why the medium is worth exploring further:

Be Different

Why follow the herd when you can lead the pack? The best marketing campaigns swim against the current, so if everyone’s investing heavily in digital marketing consider migrating your online efforts to a physical form.

Social media is already overcrowded so if your business revolves heavily around face-to-face interactions or you want to add a personal touch to your outreach, printed books are an overlooked format worth testing.

Luxury Drives Loyalty

Flimsy printed PDFs are boring, unsustainable and miss the mark. With your company’s social media page immortalized as a beautifully printed physical book, the sense of tangibility drives customers to take note of your brand. It sits on their desk, ready to be read again and again.

Make A Statement

What would you prefer when sitting in a hotel’s reception area or waiting for your next haircut? A crumpled magazine or a striking hardback book capturing the business’s achievements, milestones, team and successes from the past year? Printed social media is still an unusual novelty and customers love to see what’s inside.

Cost Effective

Customer acquisition costs keep rising as more and more dollars are ploughed into Facebook and Instagram advertising. Printing company yearbooks and sending them to key customers, partners and prospects retains clients, attracts new business and shows you care in a really affordable way.

Shows Off Your Personality

An isolated social media post struggles to convey your brand’s personality, but a printed fan page book stands out by cutting through the noise. Every social media update, photo or video shared comes together to tell a personable story – merging everything into a physical record speaks louder than one post in a busy timeline.

Maximizes Your Social Media Investment

You’ve already spent time, resource and money creating an eye-catching Facebook or Instagram profile page. Squeeze even more value from your efforts by printing the content out and sharing it with business connections who are important to you.

It’s Timeless

Books never run out of battery, cannot be hacked and aren’t accidentally deleted. Having your business’s social media page as a book is something your team can use again and again whenever and wherever they deem fit.