5 Influencer Marketing Mistakes Brands Should Avoid Making

Influencer Marketing is one of the hottest and high ROI digital marketing strategies that is being followed by nearly all major brands in the world. If done right, it can lead to high engagement, visibility, brand building and culminate in sales.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

However, if you look around, there are very few brands, which have been able to nail this digital marketing strategy. This is because, when it comes to influencer marketing, most brands are not following the best practices.

In this article, we help brands realign their Influencer Marketing campaigns, by pointing out the top five mistakes that they should be avoiding.

It Is Not Always About the Mega or Superstar Influencers:

When it comes to influencer marketing, brands are always looking to tap the mega and superstar influencers. However, if you are a small brand, what are you going to do? Are you going to leave this strategy altogether?

The answer is No! Brands need to realize that there is a world beyond mega influencers, which they need to utilize. Working with micro and nano-influencers can also lead you to gain some of the benefits of this kind of digital marketing strategy.

Going After Follower Numbers Rather Than Engagement Rates:

The second most common mistake brands seem to be making is paying undue attention to the number of followers an influencer has. This is a wrong way to proceed. The algorithms of social media platforms prefer engagement to mere follower count.

Influencers, which have lesser number of followers but higher rates of engagement, should always be preferred when running a campaign. This approach focuses on prioritizing reach and visibility. Brands should always follow the latest changes in algorithms of social media platforms.

Not Spelling Out the Goals, Commitment And Tasks:

In recent times, influencers have started to act in an unprofessional manner. They need to be pushed in order to complete the set of tasks, which has been assigned to them. After all, some of them come with hefty fee and a host of other freebie distributions.

Brands should always sign legal contracts and documents at the beginning of their engagement. Word documents are not going to suffice anymore. By spelling out all their commitments, influencers will be under legal obligation to complete them at all costs.

Having too many KPIs and expecting ROIs in one Influencer Marketing Campaign:

Setting KPIs and expecting ROIs from influencer marketing at the start of any campaign is a good and disciplined approach. However, it has been seen that when it comes to influencer marketing, having too many KPIs often backfires. This is solely due to the nature of social media platforms and the kind of interaction they have.

It is best to settle on a couple (or three at best) KPIs on a specific Influencer Marketing campaign. This will help you track the data, follow up if there are issues and do course correction if you are not seeing the desired results.

Working with Influencers Who Do Not Share the Brand Ethos, Passion or Story:

An influencer marketing strategy is aimed as an extension of a brand’s story, philosophy and meaning. It is very difficult to make the influencers understand the story behind the brand. This is because no one has the time, energy or the commitment to see this through.

Brands need to start working with influencers who share their passion for success. This is why most social media experts recommend having long-term relationships with influencers. During the process of the engagement, an influencer picks up what the brand is all about. When this translates into the strategy, the results are far superior.


Influencer marketing is increasingly becoming a double-edged sword. While it can bring lots of success, it can also bring down the image of a brand when gone wrong. The article and the five mistakes are intended to help you design the best influencer marketing strategy for your brand.

If you wish to know about Top Singapore Influencers: Does Influencer Marketing Help Businesses To Grow? Please visit the link.