5 Excel Tips Every Beginner Needs to Know

Get this: 750 million people around the globe use Microsoft Excel regularly. Consequently, learning how to use Excel is a must for everyone interested in sharpening their tech-savvy skills.

On the hunt for different ways to use Excel?

If you’re looking for your ultimate Excel for beginner’s guide, we’ve got you covered. From Excel skills to Excel functions, take a look at five Excel tips today.

Open up a Blank Workbook

To begin excelling in Excel, open up the “Excel icon” on your Start menu or desktop. Then, move your cursor towards the “blank workbook” button. In case you didn’t know, “workbook” is just a fancy word for “Excel file.”

Once you select a “blank workbook,” press the enter button to get started. Add on to your workbook by clicking the “+” button at the bottom of your scream. Change your spreadsheet order by sliding tabs along the “tab row.”

Pro tip: Name your workbook or tabs as you go along.

Set up Your Spreadsheet 

Similar to a bookkeeper’s ledger, the “column letters” on your Excel spreadsheet are at the top of your screen. Next, the “row numbers” on the left side screen are your records. Picture it as a standard calendar format:

  • The days of the week are across the top
  • The days are the month are at the bottom

It’s also important to note that the columns, or fields, are unique and cannot be duplicated. For instance, you can’t put two Tuesdays on your calendar. However, you can always expand the number of rows on your spreadsheet.

Navigate Spreadsheet Cells

Each box on your Excel spreadsheet is called “a cell.” They can contain everything from:

  • Numbers
  • Letters
  • Colors
  • Formulas

Every record, row, and field has its own cell on your Excel spreadsheet as well. Each Excel cell is labeled by its row number or column letter. For instance, “cell A1” will always be at the top left-hand corner of your workbook.

Master Ribbon Menus 

First of all, it’s crucial to know that the menus in Excel are called “ribbon menus.” Located at the top of your screen, every tab represents a “main menu.”

Once you click on one, prepare for a sub-menu screen to pop up. Featuring a darkish-green background, the active tab will turn white when you start filling it in.

Adjust Excel Columns

FYI: The default setting for row height and column width is 8.43 characters wide x 15 characters high. To adjust this, use the “autofit settings” button to highlight your range. Then, click on:

  • Format button
  • Autofit column width button


  • Format button
  • Autofit row height button

It’s as simple as that. Want to take your Excel skills up a notch? Learn how to read a C# read Excel file!

Effortless Excel Tips Help You Excel

Excel is easy, and it’s an excellent skill to have.  You can find plenty of online resources for Excel spreadsheet templates, and don’t forget YouTube tutorials. Remember, practice makes perfect.