4 Ways of Funding Your Next Startup

Launching a new startup is an exciting but difficult time for any entrepreneur. There are numerous funding options open to new businesses today and choosing the right one can present the new entrepreneur with one of their first major dilemmas. Choosing the right funding option is important if your business is going to start on the right foot. If you choose an unsustainable option with repayments you can’t keep up with, it could be the thing that sinks your business. Here is a quick guide to help you make sure that doesn’t happen.


Perhaps the most immediate and obvious way of funding a startup is through funds that you have already saved. If you don’t have any – it’s never too late to start saving. If you are saving money specifically to fund your startup, you will need to know exactly how much money you are going to need, otherwise you risk taking your money out too early and exposing it to a much greater level of risk.

Putting together a business plan and budget for your business is an important part of planning for the launch of any startup. This budget will let you know when you have saved up enough to begin starting up in earnest. Try to give yourself some wiggle room if you can, rather than working with a budget strict to the penny.


Lots of startups seek funding from external sources. Even those entrepreneurs who do have access to enough capital to invest some of it in their new startup will often combine it with funding from other sources.

Asking your family for money might not seem like a great way to start your business, but you can offer them the opportunity to invest with the promise of returns further down the line instead of giving you money for nothing.


When most people think of borrowing money, whether to fund a business or otherwise, their mind goes straight to the traditional loan. Loans come in a variety of forms and can entail entering into a variety of arrangements with your lender. If you have a good credit score, then securing a loan should be reasonably easy, provided you have a solid business plan.

If your credit score isn’t so hot, don’t worry. If you have a low credit score, you can apply for loans in the UK with bad credit online today with a loan service like simplepersonalloans.co.uk, so don’t let a low credit score put you off applying for money at all.

Schemes and Grants

There are a variety of grants that UK businesses can apply for. If you meet the criteria, securing funding through one of these schemes will often get you the funding you need on much better terms than would otherwise be possible. It is well worth seeing if you qualify for any business grants and applying for any that you can. You might discover that you are able to secure some or all of your funding with relative ease.

Working out how you will fund your new business venture is one of the first major decisions that you will need to make when you are planning your launch and initial rollout. Think carefully about your choice as it will significantly impact the early days of your business.