4 Reasons That Explain the
Continuing Popularity of Tea

Each morning people around the world wake and need to prepare for their day ahead. Once showered, it is likely that they will want to grab some form of breakfast before they make tracks. While some have more time than others to gradually immerse themselves into action, there are huge numbers who want to enjoy their own favorite type of tea to offer hydration and refreshment.

Tea is the second most popular global drink after water, which is quite impressive when considering the many options. Part of that might be explained that there are so many varieties available, with many parts of the world having their own way of serving it, be it hot or cold, and with milk or water. There are a growing number of establishments in every city looking to serve a vast selection of tea so that connoisseurs can discover previously unknown pleasures. Here are 4 reasons why tea retains its popularity.

  • It tastes fantastic is a good start, with all those different blends and leaves waiting to be drunk and enjoyed. It can be added to where required, with sometimes a drop of milk, sugar, or a slice of lemon being the preferred options. The many different types that might not have previously being available are now easier than ever to obtain from online suppliers, while more information is easily sourced so that the drink can be made the same way as in its origins.
  • Many teas provide a source of caffeine as they are made from the camellia sinensis shrub, which is traced back to China where tea was first enjoyed. While herbal tea is generally caffeine-free and a great option for those looking to avoid it, other varieties include it and with it an increased energy boost. It can boost concentration and performance which might be enjoyed through smoothie form or in a traditional mug when looking to shrug off tiredness.
  • The massive health benefits which tea provides is a huge attraction, with advanced research continually finding more reasons to enjoy it. The level of antioxidants and flavonoids which are provided in two cups of tea a day without added sugar will lessen the chances of those enjoying their drink suffering a stroke or heart disease. Black and green teas are known to decrease blood pressure, while the caffeine included in the drink will stimulate the nervous system.
  • Tea also can have a calming effect. Those suffering from stress or trauma are often treated with a hot cup of sweet tea as are those recovering after donating blood or recovering from treatment. While it can enhance focus, tea does it in a much calmer way than coffee thanks to an ingredient slowing down the energy released by caffeine. Sometimes it will allow for better judgement in a reassured way, ideal for those working in some pressurized environments.

Tea has remained popular for thousands of years because it has many varieties, it is enjoyable to drink, and it provides many health benefits.