3 Design Tips for Better Facebook Ads

Facebook has changed the way businesses reach and interact with consumers. Facebook ads is one of the most customizable marketing options to reaching your target audience, however, many small business owners have tried Facebook advertising, but not always with great levels of success.

Because of this, you risk losing your target audience’s interest, possibly resulting in fewer sales. To prevent this from happening, here are a few Facebook advertising hacks for small business owners that can help increase your chances of reaching your target audience.

Define Your Target Audience

While business owner wants their ads to bring in as many new contacts or leads as possible, it’s important to focus on which demographics are most important for advertising spend to be effective.

Facebook seems to know everything about its users down to their shoe size; Facebook advertising provides lookalike audiences—a tool used to help business owners learn more about their target audience.

From there, business owners can pull from that information and customize their ad, choosing from multiple options—such as gender, location, interests, and behaviors.

Creating Content for Your Target Audience

On that note, you can also use this information (pulled from lookalike audiences) and create more personalized content.

For example, if your audience is older, retired individuals, you may create posts that answer their most common questions about Social Security or Medicare. Create blog posts on these topics on your website and create Facebook posts that tease and advertise more details here with a link to the blog.

Use Appropriate Images

Be honest, most of us hate pop-ups and interruptive ads. And for this reason, there needs to be something different and eye-catching about your ads that will make people want to click on them. However, keep in mind that any images that are used must be appropriate to your business.

For example, if the ad is for your law firm, the cute kitten picture may not represent you perfectly and could give people a bad impression. You want images that relate to your specific legal niche.

Personal injury attorneys may include images of automobile accidents; divorce attorneys could post photos that promote independent women. That way, from seeing these images, clients know what to expect and may not feel the impulse to “bounce out” from the website.

Facebook Ad Tools

Facebook ads offer tons of helpful tools to help you determine and adjust the efficiency of your ads. Here are a few:

Facebook Ads Manager

This tool allows business owners to schedule and customize reports. Reports can show you your performance and help you define marketing objectives. From there, you can determine your next steps. (there’s also the app version)

Facebook Audience Lookalikes

This tool helps you connect with Facebook users who may meet your target audience criteria. In other words, it can help you expand your reach so you have more users to advertise to.

Bonus Tip: Test and Tweak

Learning the Facebook ad basics takes time. Do not panic if your ad seems to be performing poorly; Facebook advertising is a holistic approach. Over the long haul, aim for slight tweaks instead of the one-and-done strategy. You can find some helpful case studies of some high-performing Facebook advertising campaigns to gain more perspective.

By changing one variable at a time, you can get a better sense of how it affects your Facebook ad performance (however, please know that other factors can come into play).

Final Thoughts

Facebook advertising is arguably the most customizable advertising options. You have so many tools to use—like Facebook lookalike audiences and Facebook ad manager—that can help you customize your target audience and make sense of your performance results. How has Facebook ads helped your business? Leave a comment.