How White Label eSignature
Helps MSPs and Resellers

Global managed services continue to explode. Experts predict this industry could reach $257.84 billion next year, as more companies recognize the benefits of using managed services to support their applications and workflows. For those who have yet to employ a managed services provider, now is the time to do so. The provider helps companies remain competitive in a shifting market. How can they do so?

Manage Costs

White label partners help companies manage and minimize their costs. When companies work with one of these providers, they find their profitability and growth rate increase. They no longer need to bring in employees to take on the tasks handled by the partner. They can scale as needed to keep costs under control. One way the partner achieves these cost savings is through the use of eSignatures for MSPs. In addition, they provide support services that allow company employees to turn their focus to income-generating tasks of high value. As a result, the return on investment increases.


Companies find they benefit from the experience of qualified IT professionals when working with a white label partner. Workers focus on their daily tasks and revenue-driving activities while the partner’s technicians tackle those tasks that take up valuable resources. The managed services provider brings technological expertise and innovative technologies to the partnership.

One benefit of working with a managed services provider offering the eSignature option is all documents are stored in a repository. Clients no longer need to search for a document when they need it. They simply access the repository to gather the information they need quickly and easily.

Service Enhancement

Consumers want service around the clock. When a company cannot deliver on this, their customers look elsewhere. The partner handles IT support around the clock, so customers never have to wait to get the help they need. As the partner handles these tasks, company employees can improve their service delivery to boost customer loyalty.

When managed services providers offer the eSignature option, clients respond in a positive way. They offer their clients the option of signing documents anywhere they are by providing real-time access to these documents. This feature adds value to the lives of all parties involved in a transaction, and help is never more than a phone call or click of a button away. The MSP is there to help with signing the necessary paperwork.

Reduce Risks

Companies operating with sub-optimal systems or inexperienced workers put their organizations at significant risk. They can minimize risks by turning certain tasks over to a white label partner. These managed services providers invest in the latest equipment to ensure the highest level of security and maintain the client’s IT network infrastructure. They do so by making use of the latest protection networks to secure the client’s network and business data. Thanks to their expertise, they know what solutions and resources work for each client to keep risks lows.

Using an eSignatures allows enhanced security, as managed services providers include security controls such as automatic independent verification. The IRS, for example, makes use of this verification to secure documents. The technology knows no barriers, so companies may use it across countries and industries.

Business Growth

Business owners need to focus on what they know best. Learning how to maintain an IT infrastructure or what equipment is needed to help the business move forward takes time away from other tasks that only the business owner can handle. The managed services provider offers on-demand reporting to allow business owners to detect potential problems before they escalate. Doing so improves the reliability of the network, which customers appreciate, as they monitor the equipment to ensure there is no interruption to the workflow.

With eSignatures, companies no longer need to track who opened, signed, or approved a document manually. The system stores this information, so business owners and the MSP can easily know where the document is and who has seen it. There’s no need to print the document, so companies can serve more customers in the time they save by eliminating this step. This allows the business to expand.

Consider working with a managed services provider offering eSignatures. The MSPs and resellers benefit greatly from adding this feature to their offerings, as clients want a provider that adds value to their lives. This feature meets that goal and more.