What to Blog About:
10 Blog Topic Ideas from
Conference Presentations

Mike Brown

Attending other peoples’ presentations is a fantastic source of ideas for what to blog about. Beyond conference presentations you attend, workshops and presentations you present are even better opportunities to generate content topic ideas appropriate for a blog.

10 Blog Topic Ideas from Conference Presentations

Here are ten ideas for content opportunities in your next conference presentations:

  • Recap questions from the audience you answered during the presentation
  • Take the space to fully answer questions you didn’t have the opportunity to adequately answer during the presentation
  • Highlight discussions you had with attendees before, during, and after your planned content
  • Share new content you developed for your presentation and covered live for the first time
  • Revisit familiar slides or ones that generate a lot of discussion
  • Feature images of specific slides that were of particular interest to attendees
  • Provide a Slideshare link to your presentation
  • Embed a recording or video excerpts from your conference presentation
  • Survey attendees at your presentation and share the results afterward (The image here is from an audience self-evaluation exercise at my Frost & Sullivan Marketing World social media workshop)
  • List things you learned while preparing or actually doing the conference presentation

Events Are a Great Source of Ideas for What to Blog About

As we’ve said before, any time two or more are gathered, it’s a content creation opportunity. Take full advantage of it!


Mike Brown is the founder of the Brainzooming Group. He has been at the forefront of leading Fortune 500 culture change, contributing new approaches in research, developing simplified tools for innovation, strategy planning, and aligning sales, marketing, and communications strategies for maximum business results. Additionally, he’s won multiple awards for his strategic brand-building approach to customer experiences in NASCAR and conference event marketing efforts.